Thursday, November 3, 2016

Agent Dossier - Sigfried Laughter


Agent File
Research Squad Epsilon
Medical Personel/Field Agent
Sigfried *REDACTED* Laughter

Surgeon, Field Medic, Experimental Physician.

Turned sometime in the 1800's during the Napoleonic Wars Sigfried was a medic in the Austrian Army. It is unclear weather he traveled to Egypt as a result of following his Sire or if outside influences brought him to the birthplace of humanity. It is in Egypt where he was welcomed into the folds of the company as a medical expert and surgeon. Since his employment he has served his *REDACTED* in the *REDACTED* department assisting with projects like *REDACTED* and *REDACTED*. Lately he has been assigned to Research Squad Epsilon as their medic and stealth operative, though it is believed he has ulterior motives for being put into the field.

Basic overview of asset history:

Vampire from the Assamite bloodline. Only known family is *REDACTED* and possible *REDACTED* exist. Genius within his field and quite skilled with scalpels and his custom equipment. Most notable field recommendation from *REDACTED* when he assassinated *REDACTED* without backup or notice. 

Only know family is *REDACTED*, known ties to India for medical supplies, professional associates outside of the company are few and none are mortal, Sigfried keeps mostly to himself and his studies.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Agent Dossier - Leonard "Lenny" Fedora


Agent File
Research Squad Epsilon
Analyst/Field Agent
Leonard "Lenny" Fedora

Computer Savant, Coding Aficionado, Engineering Design Specialist.

Founder and CEO of LenTech®, a multi-million dollar computer and software company recently acquired by OmIn. Volunteered for field work with the Research, Development and Acquisitions Department. After multiple orientation and placement missions, Fedora has been assigned to Epsilon. 

Basic overview of asset history:

Changing Breed bloodline, Wolf. No contact with indigenous tribal bloodlines. Entire family slaughtered on First Change. Rose through public school systems, valedictorian graduate with honors Necropolis Institute of Technology on our Rising Stars Scholarship program through one of our subsidiaries. Went on to patent the first interactive hologram technology, secured for sole use by the US Military, beginning the rise of LenTech®. 

No known affiliates, friends, or remaining family, save for Fedora's adopted daughter, a young girl named Evelyn. As per agreements and contracts made with Fedora, no contact or surveillance of Evelyn is permitted, upon penalty of Grade 12 Punishments.